Comment of the Day

The comment thread can be (and sometimes actually is) an excellent vehicle for reasoned discussion. It can also be a great way to disabuse well-meaning ideologues of their naïve, utopian sense of “social


A classic example of the latter comes in the form of an exchange on a recent Julian Sanchez post, which is dgfev online casino a response to this gem from Ezra Klein.

Christopher M. suggests that:

The idea that it's reasonable alturnative for prednisone to spend only

two weeks per year not working, from age 22 to age 65 or so, is one of those notions that just seems so utterly bizarre to me that I literally can't understand how

people just accept it.

Brian Moore’s retort:

The only notion more bizarre would be assuming that your preferences are the universal truth, and should be applied by force to everyone else through the application of mandatory vacation time.
