Jim Gilmore’s National Property Rights Initiative

As Jason mentioned in his post about the National Taxpayer’s Union poll, former Virginia Governor and Presidential candidate Jim Gilmore used the NTU conference to announce what he calls his National Property Rights Initiative:

Property rights will be a major priority in Jim Gilmore’s administration. As President, he will:

* Nominate judges who will strictly interpret the Constitution, rather than making policy from the bench.

* Appoint a Special Assistant within the White House who will advise the President and oversee the Commission’s recommendations.

* Reissue President Reagan’s Executive Order 12630, which directs federal agencies to “first do no harm” to property rights when writing regulations.

* Require the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and other affected cabinet members to issue regular reports to the President on the state of property rights in America.

* Name a Presidential Commission on Property Rights, which will evaluate the state of property rights in America and craft policy recommendations to the President and Congress that will strengthen protections for property owners.

It’s not very detailed, and neither is the PDF handout that the campaign links to, but it’s a start. As Jason pointed out, other than Ron Paul, Jim Gilmore is the only Presidential candidate whose given anything other than lip service to the idea of private property rights. And that’s a start.