Diane Feinstein vs. The First Amendment

California Senator Diane Feinstein indicated yesterday that she might consider reviving the so-called fairness doctrine:

Feinstein, speaking on “Fox News Sunday” with Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., said talk radio in particular has presented a one-sided view of immigration reform legislation being considered by the Senate.

U.S. talk radio is dominated by conservative voices.

“This is a very complicated bill,” said Feinstein. “Most people don’t know what’s in this bill. Therefore, to just have one or two things dramatized and taken out of context, such as the word amnesty — we have a silent amnesty right now, but nobody goes into that. Nobody goes into the flaws of our broken system.”

In other words, the American people are too stupid to understand the “complicated” issue of immigration and are nothing more than mindlessly repeating what guys like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Savage are saying. Now, I don’t necessarily agree with the anti-immigration crowd, but it’s clear to me that they know exactly what’s in the Senate immigration bill, and that is why they are opposed to it.

Senator Feinstein, the reason your Senate bill is failing is not because of talk radio, it’s because a significant portion of the American public quite obviously does not support it.

Asked if she would revive the fairness doctrine, which used to require broadcasters to present competing sides of controversial issues, Feinstein said she was “looking at it.”

“I remember when there was a fairness doctrine,” she said, “and I think there was much more serious correct reporting to people.”

No, Senator Feinstein isn’t worried about “fairness” she’s worried about the fact that, thanks to talk radio, people are getting the chance to become involved in the poltiical process and, yes, to think for themselves.

H/T: Hit & Run