Quote Of The Day — Libertarians for Commies Edition

This time, it’s an incredibly bizarre dispatch from the land of paleo-libertarianism:

There is a case to be made for Deng Xiaoping, who launched the biggest, fastest increase in prosperity and freedom in the history of the human race, and brought the Chinese people back into the world economy, to their great benefit and ours.

Yea, as long as you ignore the political oppression, lack of freedom of speech, lack of freedom of the press. suppression of religious beliefs, murder of political dissidents, and that little untidy affair in Tiananmen Square awhile back.

And, oh yeah, Mussolini made the trains run on on time.

The quote, by the way, is from Lew Rockwell. One time — perhaps still — buddy of Ron Paul, and one of the reasons why I sometimes think that libertarians will never really be taken seriously until we purge ourselves of the idiots.