Dr. No — Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Fed

If I had photoshop skills, I’d be putting out a picture of Ron Paul smiling up* at Ben Bernanke throwing money out of helicopters… Unfortunately, I’m not an artist. So this will have to do…

Perhaps my predictions in early 2007 are starting to come true? We’re in an election year, and our next president (whoever it is) is about to walk into a shitstorm of 1930s proportions. The next President will be forced to “do something”, and to expect that President to do something positive instead of politically-palatable-but-destructive is naive at best.

More to come when I get a chance, because my initial predictions didn’t quite account for how difficult it would be for our economy to deleverage… A lot of people don’t understand what’s actually happening, so I’m going to do my best to explain it in simple terms– and try not to get it wrong, as it’s complex enough to make my brain hurt…

* No, Ron Paul wouldn’t be smiling up at Bernanke out of respect, it would be more out of a fatalistic delirium that all of us might be facing in the near future. Ron Paul was just prescient enough to see it coming and try to warn us.