Oklahoma State Trooper vs. EMT Follow-up

As promised, here is some additional video from News Channel 8. This video is a side-by-side of the cell phone cam and dashboard cam.The second video, from Fox News shows the dashboard cam video by itself. It seems to end about where the cell phone cam begins.

In all honesty, I will need to review this video a few more times because I cannot immediately tell which party got physical first. I would like to find a video that shows the whole event from start to finish. The Channel 8 website has the dashboard cam video, but I haven’t had any luck getting it to play. If I find a video that will play and show the event from start to finish, I’ll post it here.

Here is the link to the dashboard cam video which shows the event in its entirety (thank you “Informer,” for posting the link and “informing” me).

Something about the video really stood out from my last viewing: the length of time it took the ambulance to actually move to the right to allow the State Trooper to pass. As the patrol car catches up to the ambulance, the ambulance swerves left as the car in front of it pulls off the road to the right. From the time the ambulance gets back into the lane it takes approximately 8 seconds for the ambulance to move over to the right for the patrol car to pass. Was this 8 second “violation” really an arrest worthy offense?