The Perfect Guidebook As We Travel Down The Road To Serfdom

As I’ve noted in the past, sales of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged have increased significantly over the past year.

Now it appears that the same is happening to Frederich Hayek’s seminal work:

So far this year the most popular edition of Road to Serfdom has sold 11,000 copies. That compares with 3,000 copies at the same point last year. That’s a 263 percent increase for those of you keeping score at home.

Why? Well, no doubt huge new government spending programs and attempts to massively expand the welfare state send people looking for classic literature that makes the case for liberty and limited government. But what the Marxists call the “objective conditions” can always use a bit of help. And indeed, just as I found in investigating the sales bump for Atlas Shrugged, it looks like an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal was instrumental in boosting the sales of The Road to Serfdom.

On February 4, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, now chairman of Freedomworks, published an op-ed in the Journal titled “Washington Could Use Less Keynes and More Hayek.” Sales of Road to Serfdom, which were in the low hundreds each week since the beginning of 2009, more than doubled over the next four weeks. It seems likely that Armey’s op-ed caused the new interest.

If you haven’t read it yet, you ought to. It does a better job than anything of explaining what’s wrong with where we’re headed in this country.

H/T: United Liberty
