The ACORN Tapes

I’m about to write a very long-winded post on the story that dropped from Breitbart on the NEA “scandal”, and in doing so, I need to clear the air about ACORN. When the ACORN tapes hit the street, I considered posting about it.

My initial reaction was this:

1) I’m a libertarian. In my world, prostitution would be legal.
2) I’m a libertarian. In my world, the IRS would be illegal.

Thus, I wasn’t all that up in arms about an organization advising someone on how to hide the proceeds of a prostitution business from the IRS. In fact, I was a bit jealous — nobody exists to help me hide MY legal income from the IRS! Who’s gonna help out us engineers?!

But, then I started to actually dig into the story, and there were two additional bits of information that pushed me to the other side of the fence:

3) ACORN was advising these folks on how to bring in underage girls from overseas to work as prostitutes. Libertarianism doesn’t quite extend to human child sex trafficking.
4) ACORN is an organization that I learned is significantly funded by the government. I’m against government funding of most things, but I’m particularly against government funding of groups which are working very hard to advise people how to break the law.

So I’m pretty glad to see that ACORN got what was already likely coming to them, in the form of public ridicule and scorn and being tossed off the public dole. Advising someone on how to hide the fact that you’re bringing in foreign children to work as whores is despicable, and ACORN should be ashamed for what their employees did on those tapes.