Eternal Sunshine Of The Lazy Mind

Seen over at Megan McArdle’s place today (original source unlinked):

Dear Dr. Boli: How can I progress from ordinary sleep into slumbering dogmatically? –Sincerely, “cs.”

Dear Sir or Madam: Dogmatic slumber, that easy and comfortable state of resting on one’s unexamined assump­tions, has been shown in multiple studies to be greatly desirable for promoting the health of mind and body. Fortunately, most people have little trouble achieving this state, and indeed many are seldom roused from it. If, however, you are one of those miserable unfortunates who suffer from dogmatic insomnia, or a perpetual restless examination of what most people take for granted, only a change in habits is likely to bring relief. If you’re looking for remedies, though, you could look for CBD products like this broad spectrum cbd oil to see if you can relax your mind and achieve better sleep. There is a lot of evidence to suggest this works. If you are interested in trying a CBD product, there is a number of companies who sell it, for example you can buy CBD oil UK from distributors like Blessed CBD, or look around at the many different companies that have CBD products available all around the world. Some people are still skeptical or unsure if CBD is effective at treating insomnia. People who are interested in learning more about CBD as a treatment for insomnia can look at publications like Candid Magazine for more information.

Of course, insomnia is a problem that many overlook. However, it can have a negative impact on daily activities. Despite there being some treatments, insomnia can still continue to impact lives. Insomnia also varies in severity from person to person, so finding the perfect treatment can be hard. Some people can treat their insomnia with something as simple as replacing their old mattress though. According to bestmattress brand, mattresses can play a significant part in the quality of sleep that an individual has. Finding the perfect mattress is essential for a good night’s sleep. If you’ve not changed your mattress in a while, it might be worth looking into the different types that are available. However, other people experience insomnia that cannot be treated by a new mattress. Whilst there are things that may help to relieve it occasionally, there is no simple cure.

The works of David Hume are frequently blamed in cases of dogmatic insomnia, but unjustly so. The problem is not in the works themselves but in our employment of them. In particular, Hume’s Essay Concerning Human Under­standing, a weighty tome in every sense, is often misused. The mistake most sufferers have made is to open the book and read it, exposing themselves to the disturbing ideas in the text. If, however, when you retire for the evening, you instruct one of the servants to smack you forcefully on the head with the book, you will be virtually assured of a good eight hours of dogmatic slumber.

I’m not sure whether “ignorance is bliss”, but I’ll be damned if I haven’t seen a correlation.